10 Keys to Keyword List Development - Search Engine Optimization

There are certain SEO struggles most all businesses go through today, with varying degrees of success. Keyword Optimization has become an es...

Thursday, November 3, 2016

SEO lessons learned - field tested Digital Marketing

Its very nice to be back writing to you after a long stint as the Director of Marketing for a local manufacturing firm.

I thought it would be fun to share some SEO - Content Marketing - Social Media lessons learned from the experience. We can use this as a case study on how to develop a Marketing Plan for your business.

What Digital Marketing Priorities should my business have in 2017? .. you may ask..

In the next series of post on The Marketing Lunchbox, I will cover an effective, step by step strategy to develop a winning Marketing Program for your business.

I had the great pleasure of designing and implementing a Marketing Program for a company of 25 employees over the last year. It is a high ticket manufacturing facility with no outside sales, dependent on Branding and Digital Marketing to drive sales.

Although the company had a solid position, both in SERP Ranking and Market Share for two of it's main verticals, it was encountering significant competitive pressure related to aggressive pricing pressure and innovative competitor positioning that was siphoning revenue.

It was also lagging far behind a significant player in a new verticle related to the quickly growing agricultural industry. That alone, presented a unique challenge, in that I couldn't use the 'bully factor' of brand inertia, market position and economies of scale to compete.

This presented a unique opportunity to essentially create three different marketing plans to go after the three main verticals, implement and run them over a long enough period to test the results of the plan.

The results? Overwhelmingly positive on all three fronts, achieving a 66% percent growth in non-bounced, geo-significant traffic to the website, and an increase in qualified leads by 75% over the duration of the project.

How did we do it? = the subject of subsequent posts

In general, Website SEO, Content Marketing (text, image, video), and Social Media Marketing.

In the next chapter, we will cover how to efficiently design a Marketing Game Plan. We will cover the general decisions one makes to configure a Marketing Strategy to fit your company goals and resources; often to include a Digital Marketing Mix and a custom plan of implementation.



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